
Different functions to evaluate the coup to play.



Evaluate all possibilities and choose best one.

play_random(game[, rng])

Evaluate all possibilities and choose any of them.

play_seeing_future_rec(game[, n_future, n_sim])

Choose coup with best score after playing n coups.

play_with_proba(game[, rng])

Choose one of them based on a exp formula.


Evaluate all possibilities and choose best one.

quoridor.policy.play_random(game, rng=None)#

Evaluate all possibilities and choose any of them.

quoridor.policy.play_seeing_future_rec(game, n_future=2, n_sim=4)#

Choose coup with best score after playing n coups.

quoridor.policy.play_with_proba(game, rng=None)#

Choose one of them based on a exp formula.

This formula affect a 0 proba to all play leading to an incorrect situation and e^100 to the best move.