Board state module.
BoardState object is used to play at one instant. |
Player data holder. |
- class quoridor.board_state.BoardState(first_player: int = 0)#
BoardState object is used to play at one instant.
A game is a succession of BoardState. Methods to pass from one BoardState to an other are declared here.
- __init__(first_player: int = 0) None #
Initialize the board state as the begining of a game.
- Paramètres:
first_player – the first player to play. Player 0 start from bottom and player 1 at top (j=BOARD_SIZE - 1).
- add_new_wall(new_position: tuple[int, int, int]) None #
Add wall.
Modify wall possibilities, update free_paths, update player remaining walls number.
- Paramètres:
new_position – (i,j,0) or (i,j,1)
player_number – int
- Renvoie:
- get_back(n: int = 1) None #
Reset game to n coup before.
- property last_player_nb: int#
The id of the player which just played.
- property next_player_nb: int#
The id of the player currently playing.
- remove_wall(new_position: tuple[int, int, int]) None #
Undo an add wall operation.
Add one wall in remaining player walls, update wall possibilities, update free_paths. update walls. If last int is 9, wall is horizontal, otherwise it is vertical.
- Paramètres:
- Renvoie:
- reset_player_position(last_pos: tuple[int, int, int]) None #
Reset player position to last position.
- Paramètres:
new_position – [i,j,-1]
player_number – int
- Renvoie:
- to_universal_state(i_)#
Supposed to be a universal representation.
- update_player_positions(new_position: tuple[int, int, int]) None #
Update player position and actualize the winner.
- Paramètres:
new_position – [i,j,-1]
player_number – int
- Renvoie:
- class quoridor.board_state.Player(player_number: int)#
Player data holder.
- __init__(player_number: int) None #
Player class initialisation.
Each player gets a name, a number of wall, a position (i,j) and a position k.
- Paramètres:
- property k_pos: int#
Transforms the position to a signle int.
- n_tuiles: int#
- name: int#
- position: tuple[int, int]#